Toronto: 190 Attwell Drive, Suite 300. Toronto, ON, M9W 6H8
Scarborough: 1063 McNicoll Ave, Suite 100. Scarborough, ON, M1W 3W6

The Basics Of Slip & Fall Accident

Here in Canada, an individual who is injured in a slip and fall accident has two years to file their claim. There are a number of different factors that could lead to injury by way of slip and fall, which we will explore in depth in this post. Furthermore, we will discuss the fundamental question of liability and outline certain situations in which you may stand to benefit form legal representation and not even know it. Goodman Elbassiouni LLP focuses on three main areas of law: worker’s compensation, automobile accidents and slip and fall. While we represent many clients in cases involving the former two situations, we see much less traffic in the latter. This is probably because most of the time when people fall and hurt themselves, they think of it as being their own fault. Even if it is not their fault, they might think that it was random chance, and since they were just out in public, it’s not really anyone’s fault.

The truth of the matter is, most of the time there is someone to blame. In Canada, where we face long winters with lots of snow and ice there are myriad tripping hazards that are the responsibility of the property owner to salt and clear. Beyond slipping and falling on snow and ice, there are many other hazards created by apathetic land owners that may pose a threat. If you or a friend or loved one hurt themselves falling on someone else’s property, it is almost always a good idea to look at the circumstances and the environment and see if pursuing compensation is a justified. Of course, often in these cases you will need to consult with legal counsel to arrive a clear answer. If you are looking for a workers compensation lawyer or a slip and fall lawyer, call or visit our offices today!

Below is some basic information regarding slip and fall in Ontario and the Occupier’s Liability Act, which stipulates that individuals in physical possession of a property or who have control over the condition of a property must keep it safe:

  • If a property manager fails to install hand railings in the stairwell and you fall as a result, they are culpable.
  • If the manager or owner of grocery store fails to train staff to identify potentially hazardous slip and fall situations, they are culpable. There is some crossover in a situation like this and a worker’s compensation case.
  • The owner of a mall, grocery store or any type of retail outlet who fails to fix potholes and remove snow and ice and ice hazards is culpable. Carrying groceries or consumer goods to the car can easily create distraction that could lead to injury.
  • In these cases, witness reports are incredibly helpful, so if there was anyone around when you fell, make sure that you get their contact information. Furthermore, taking a photograph with your smartphone right away will be incredibly helpful. Coming back to take a picture later on may not work out, since the environment could have changed since your fall.

Once you’ve collected evidence and seen your family doctor to examine your injuries, our team can begin putting together a case. Goodman Elbassiouni LLP offers free consultations on slip and fall injuries, so there’s no need to be shy. Call us today!


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