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Scarborough: 1063 McNicoll Ave, Suite 100. Scarborough, ON, M1W 3W6

3 Simple Tips When You Get Hurt At Work

Following the December holidays, it can be difficult to get back into a good rhythm at work. People are distracted, telling stories from the holidays and trying to shake off those new year’s eve hangovers. You’ve got a long winter ahead of you and this can sometimes make people restless and unfocused. Unfortunately, this lack of focus is not only unproductive, it can also be extremely dangerous if you are working on a construction site or in a busy warehouse.

Here on the Goodman Elbassiouni LLP blog, we’ve written before about how mindfulness can help you avoid mishaps at work; the darkest depth of winter is definitely a good time to try and apply some of this advice. If, in the worst case scenario, you do suffer an injury at work during the winter, it’s important to follow proper protocol closely so that you can live comfortably while you’re hurt and get back on your feet as quickly as possible. Call us if you were hurt at work and you will get the best possible advice available – our legal experts know the WSIB claims and appeals system inside out.

Whether or not you think to call Goodman Elbassiouni LLP immediately following an accident, here are three subtle but massively important things to keep in mind in the wake of your accident, psychological and practical.

It Wasn’t Your Fault

Many people have trouble letting themselves off the hook when they are hurt at work. It is human nature to play the crucial scene back over and over again, constantly thinking that you could have done something different. A different, helpful way to frame it is that workplace accidents are statistically unavoidable and you were just the unlucky victim of chance. Someone gets hurt every once in awhile, if it’s not you then it’s one your friends and co-workers. You feel pity for them when they are hurt, so why not take pity on yourself?

See a Doctor Immediately

Ideally you have a reliable family doctor that you can turn to in this situation, someone who knows your medical history and who can make a sober and reliable assessment of the situation. When you get us working for you after a workplace injury, we like to have access to clear medical documents for use in case you need to appeal your WSIB claim. In the event of a dispute, clear medical records are an excellent tool that can work in your favour. If you do not have a regular family doctor, then a walk-in will have to suffice, just make sure you check Yelp to ensure that you see a good doctor.

Fill Out Your Claims Form Immediately

When you are injured on the job, you have up to six months to file a claim, however, in our many years of experience we’ve found that people who do not file their claims within the first two weeks often never do. The reason for this is a bit of a mystery, but we think it’s partially due to the fact that managers put pressure on individuals to keep quiet. Contact us anytime if you are struggling to take action following a work accident, we will always give you clear, honest advice.


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Fill out the form and tell us what happened. A member of our intake team will connect with you within 24 hours.